Thanks for the Add Retard Funny Meme

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stop saying retarded down syndrome bad word

I'm a work in progress. Every day of my life I hope I'm a better person than the day before. My life is a process of taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back but hey, 1 step forward is still a step forward. So I'll take it.

"Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me" = One Of The Most Inaccurate Sayings Of All Time

Let me just be very honest for a minute, prior to our son being born I used the word "retarded" flippantly. I would use phrases like "that's so retarded," "don't be retarded," or "man…I'm so retarded" from time to time without even thinking that I was using discriminatory language (or hate speech) toward an entire group of people.

As the parent of a child with Down syndrome and someone passionate about people with Down syndrome, this is especially disappointing to me. To be honest, before I became the parent of a child with special needs over a decade ago I didn't know those words are as hurtful as they are.

Thankfully I know better now.

The "R-Word" Is Hurtful

After our son was born I quickly learned how hurtful and discriminatory the word "retard / retarded" is. There is even an entire organization called "Spread the Word" They actually put out one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen on this top. I remember my jaw hitting the floor when I saw this short, 30 second, PSA for the first time.Please take 30 seconds and watch it.I promise you'll think about the word "retarded" in a whole new light.

I really wish someone earlier in my life would have taken the time to tell me about the use of this word, and why I shouldn't use it. I would have stopped immediately.

When I hear people use the word "retarded" I try to take a moment to help them understand why they shouldn't. I'm alwaysvery gracious about it because I know the most people don't mean anything hurtful by it, and they certainly aren't trying to insult my son or others with intellectual disabilities. In fact there have been a few times where I didn't say anything simply because I didn't want to make the person feel bad. I think many people simply don't know how hurtful and disrespectful the "r-word" can be, and simply need someone to help education.

But since there is a large community of readers behind this blog I thought I would take a moment to help educate anyone reading this why they too should help "end the word."

Why You Should Stop Using "Retarded"

I pulled this info from the spread the word website which gives more than a few reasons why I cut the word "retarded" out of my vocabulary and you should too.

  • The R-word is exclusive
  • The R-word ignores individuality
  • The R-word equated intellectual disability with being "dumb" or "stupid"
  • The R-word spreads hurt
  • The R-word is offensive
  • The R-word is incorrect
  • The R-word is derogatory
  • The R-word fosters loneliness
  • The R-word is hate speech (Ouch! I had no idea I was using hate speech all this time!)

Sign The Pledge To Stop Using "The R-Word"

Spread the word to end the word is doing a campaign where you can pledge to

….support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

I believe that all people are created in the image of God, are valuable, and deserve to be spoken about in respectful and loving ways. I know it would be very hurtful if someone called my son "a retard"or if someone used that word to describe something foolish they did (therefore implying that my son is foolish.)

If you agree with me, I'd encourage you to take 2 minutes and sign the pledge.

Do you sometimes use the word "retarded" in jest? (It's ok to say so, as I mentioned I used to do the same thing.) If so, do you see "the R-word" differently after this post, and do you think you will try hard to remove the use of that word as a "slag word?" Will you sign the pledge above? Leave a comment below and let us know.

Note this post was originally published on March 6, 2013


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